Could your child enter Harvard in 1869?
Harvard University adopted the following words, based on their mission statement, as part of their “Rules and Precepts” in 1646: Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the maine end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and therefore to lay Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisedome, Let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seeke it of him (Prov. 2:3). Thoroughly dedicated to Scriptures as … Continue Reading “Could your child enter Harvard in 1869?”
“My Wife is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World”
A Series Exploring C.S. Lewis’ The Four Loves In this second installment on The Four Loves by C. S. Lewis, David Foucachon explores how Lewis’s commentary on Eros can help us understand the objective nature of beauty. I am a Christian platonist. But neither Plato, nor the Neoplatonists, nor even St. Augustine convinced me of platonism. No, it was my wife’s beauty that made me a platonist. More specifically, the task of reconciling subjective aesthetic experiences with a worldview that affirms the objective nature of beauty. If we affirm that beauty is objective (and we should), then how can two men each … Continue Reading ““My Wife is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World””
Candor: What Jane and Lizzy Bennet Can Teach Us about Charity
The Four Loves | A Series Exploring C.S. Lewis’ The Four Loves One of Lewis’ great accomplishments in The Four Loves was his ability to push back against both the errors of his ancestors, and the errors of his own time. Like Augustine, Lewis understands that “our hearts are restless until they come to rest in Thee” as he writes about the different loves, from the familiar warmth of Affection, to the powerful bond of like-minded Friendship, to the intoxicating passion of Eros, to the grace-filled love of Charity. In this first installment, Leta Sundet explores “candor” as Jane Austen uses it. This idea of candor … Continue Reading “Candor: What Jane and Lizzy Bennet Can Teach Us about Charity”
Great Books Challenge for Parents 2016
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]elcome to the 2016 Great Books Challenge for Parents! This Challenge is for any parent, but especially for parents who plan to classically homeschool their children, or who are currently homeschooling their children. Classical homeschoolers love Old Western Culture because they see their children coming to the dinner table full of stories, and thirsty for knowledge and wisdom. Make 2016 the year classical learning comes alive in your home, and earn free curriculum in the process! Last year’s Great Books Challenge, centered around Virgil’s Aeneid, was a tremendous success! This year we are going to continue and build upon that challenge, adding the following unit, Romans: … Continue Reading “Great Books Challenge for Parents 2016”
Interview with Martin Cothran
Daniel Foucachon interviews Martin Cothran, of Memoria Press, on classical education. This interview took place during the 2015 CiRCE Conference: A Contemplation of Harmony. Topics covered: – What is classical education?– What is the greatest “great book”?– The Quadrivium – How to start a classical education late in life– The goal of education-and more—enjoy! YouTube version HERE.
Five Important Women of the Reformation You Should Know About
Most Christians have heard the names of John Calvin, Martin Luther, John Knox, and other giants of the Protestant Reformation in Europe. But there are many, many other men and women who worked to advance the cause of the Reformation! It is my pleasure to introduce you to five extraordinary women of the Reformation! Each of these women played an important role, either in disseminating the ideas of the Reformation, or using their political power to protect the preachers and teachers of these ideas. Marguerite de Navarre (1492-1549) — The Diplomat Marguerite de Navarre was truly a Renaissance woman. Born … Continue Reading “Five Important Women of the Reformation You Should Know About”
All she had to do to get out of jail was to say, “I recant.”
Marie Durand, ( 1711-1776) spent 38 years in jail for the crime of honoring God over man’s laws. Originally posted at Huguenot Heritage. My Huguenot ancestors were known to be courageous and strong in their faith. They believed in salvation by faith in Christ and Christ alone. Many had to pay a high price for their religious convictions. Their desire was to please God above all else. They understood that God’s Word is the authority that governs all of life. No human law is above God’s law. The Huguenots stood by that, even if it meant being imprisoned, tortured, or … Continue Reading “All she had to do to get out of jail was to say, “I recant.””
Aeneas dumps Dido, claims “fate” – you won’t believe what she does next!
Advice for all men: When you mess up, fess up! Wes Callihan tells of one of the most famous, and most tragic relationships in the history of the West. Hint: Aeneas is not a relationship role model! YouTube version HERE. From The Aeneid unit from the Old Western Culture curriculum. UPDATE! BREAKING NEWS: The long lost “Formal Apology” of Aeneas to Dido found buried under a chicken coop south of Rome. Thanks to Kelly Cumbee for making this incredible discovery!
Scribenda: A Summer Essay Contest
Ready, set, Scribenda! Put your thinking cap on, and write an essay in answer to the question below! The winning essay answering the question will be featured in the first issue of our magazine, Aristeia, and receive hardback, bilingual, Loeb Editions of The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid, as well as a $50 Amazon gift card! Question: “DO WE EVER OUTGROW FAIRYTALES?” How to enter: Share this post on your own Facebook or Twitter account. Get out your quills, typewriters, or iPads, and write away! Submit your essay by email to [email protected] with subject line “Essay Entry” no later than August 31 at 11:59 pm (PST). EXTENSION: September 7th deadline! Parameters: Open to all high … Continue Reading “Scribenda: A Summer Essay Contest”
3 Ways Dante Influenced C.S. Lewis | Part I
C.S. Lewis’s love for Dante Alighieri and The Divine Comedy was no great secret. Lewis first read Dante’s Inferno in the original Italian when he was in his teens and later read Purgatorio while he was in the hospital recovering from wounds received in World War I. He finally read Paradiso for the first time in 1930, before he became a Christian, but after he had reluctantly decided that there was a God. At this point, he was still very much conflicted as to the nature of God and whether or not there was an afterlife. After finishing Paradiso, he told … Continue Reading “3 Ways Dante Influenced C.S. Lewis | Part I”