Kepler Education
What is Kepler?
Kepler is a consortium of independent teachers unified by a shared vision and innovative online platform to bring classical Christian education to junior high and high school students.
Roman Roads Classroom and its teachers are now part of Kepler, and you will find many of the same courses and teachers on the new platform, along with dozens of additional instructors and over one hundred course offerings, with new instructors and classes being added every week!
The Benefits of Kepler
A wide choice of instructors and teaching styles (curricula and methods), and fascinating courses options! Kepler classes are taught by passionate instructors who have the freedom to teach to their strengths and the subjects they most love. Choose one or two courses à la carte, or a build a Diploma Track, but in both instances, you are choosing the courses and teachers, along with learning styles, curriculum, and schedule to match the specific needs of your family. All this unified on a new platform built for the purpose of streamlining the process from registration to transcript.
Empowering families by liberating teachers
The motto at Kepler is “Empowering families by liberating teachers.” By creating an environment and platform where teachers can craft and offer their own courses, we bring all that choice directly to families.
Philosophy of Education
Kepler is a Marketplace for Live Online Classical Christian Classes
Combining the firm belief that parents are the primary educators with a strong desire to equip and support parents in their task, we exist to make a Classical Christian Education available, affordable, and accessible to everyone who wants one.
Watch this video to learn about our general philosophy of education.
Kepler Education makes a hand-crafted education possible!
Kepler is not unique because we offer more than 100 classes from nearly 40 educators. Kepler is unique because we offer a college-style approach to 7-12th grade (and beyond) in how parents choose courses for their children.
“Choose your teacher” means far more than “choose your section.” It represents choices in curriculum, learning style, teaching philosophy, price, and schedule. Each teacher profile includes a teaching philosophy and a statement of faith, in addition to the standard bio, so parents can make informed decisions.
For example, we don’t have “Latin I, II, III,” we have a language department with Latin taught from multiple methods, curricula, and teaching styles.
Kepler Is for Students
Kepler provides a network of distinguished educators, quality courses, and a diploma track that fits a flexible schedule on one simple and easy-to-use platform. Kepler teachers are passionate professionals working with our platform’s small class sizes and highly interactive flipped classroom model.
Student Life
Kepler also makes clubs and extracurricular activities available, under the aegis of Kepler Life. Whether it’s volunteer activities, student leadership, or language clubs, the Kepler Community of students, parents, and teachers are busy with Kingdom-building activity both inside and outside the classroom. Any students enrolled in Kepler classes are able to participate through service, clubs, and professional development activities.
Kepler Is for Teachers
Kepler allows teachers to fulfill their vocation while simultaneously providing a sustainable income and ample margin for personal and educational development. Our innovative platform, robust academic consortium, and generous compensation plan provides teachers with all the tools, support, and flexibility they need to develop their unique brand as independent educators.
What Families are Saying About Kepler
Kepler helped challenge my student to think deeper and to express her thoughts openly with her teacher and peers. In Old Western Culture, she was challenged to share her opinion and support it.
Kepler parent Jessie Smith
This gave my philosophy-loving student a great outlet.
Kepler parent Susan Johnston
Mr. Bohnet was terrific. As a mother I appreciated his professionalism and willingness to push students out of their comfort zone. The colloquy was a new experience for my daughter. She was terrified about the first one, but she went into the second one with confidence. These are the types of experiences that homeschooled students need more of to be prepared to go out into the world and work for people other than their parents.
Kepler parent Jessica Jensen
Mr. Soderberg is an excellent teacher. He makes tough material engaging. [My son] was never bored during class, but rather looked forward to the weekly meetings.
Kepler parent Kimberly Locke
How Does Kepler Make All this Freedom and Choice Work?
Instead of having a top-heavy administration that limits teachers, we built a platform that supports them. Instead of choosing one approach to curriculum or pedagogy, we allow a broad range within classical education to provide teachers with more flexibility and families with more options. All of our teachers are clear and open about their Christian faith, their curriculum choices, their teaching experience, and their teaching philosophy, so that parents are well-informed about what their options are.
Core Values
Merely Christian
We embrace those essential, common, and core beliefs left by Christ and the Apostles to the church catholic, the body of Jesus Christ on Earth, held through the ages by all orthodox Christian traditions alike.
Broadly Classical
We engage students in the pursuit and acquisition of the liberal arts, that knowledge which is pleasurable for its own sake, and which frees the mind and prepares the soul to be wise and virtuous.
Historically Conservative
We teach students to recognize, value and delight in the permanent things and pursue necessary and healthy change according to the contours of the natural and created order.