Roman Roads Press Blog

Category: Daniel Foucachon

Introducing Kepler Education

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

I am very excited to announce the launch of Kepler Education, a new initiative of Roman Roads! Kepler is a consortium of independent teachers unified by a shared vision and innovative online platform to bring classical Christian education to junior high and high school students. What does this mean for you and your kids? A wide choice of instructors and teaching styles (curricula and methods), and fascinating courses options! With course offerings ranging from Algebra 2 to Monsters as Metaphors, Kepler classes are taught by passionate instructors who have the freedom to teach to their strengths and the subjects they … Continue Reading “Introducing Kepler Education”

What do we mean by “Liberal Arts”?

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s Christians recover classical Christian education, they are unearthing old treasures, once the possession of every educated man. Some of these treasures are words and descriptions–terms like “Trivium” and “Quadrivium,” “paideia,” and “liberal arts.” Of all these terms, “liberal arts” lays at the heart of what classical education is all about. So what did our forefathers mean by “liberal arts”? “Liberal” [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he word liberal has nothing to do with our modern use of the word in politics and culture. Liberal means “free,” and historically described the kind of education expected of a freeman–especially one in a position of leadership, like … Continue Reading “What do we mean by “Liberal Arts”?”

Elie Wiesel, RIP

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Elie Wiesel died today. He is one of the 30 famous orators featured in Fitting Words: Classical Rhetoric for the Christian Student. Elie Wiesel (1928–July 2nd, 2016). Wiesel was a professor, author, political activist, and Holocaust survivor. He has received numerous awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize. Wiesel has delivered speeches before several U.S. presidents. “I learned the perils of language and those of silence.” —Speech to Ronald Reagan objecting to his visit to a German cemetery, 1985 Find out more about Elie Wiesel in this CNN video, and this one.       His gentle demeanor and kind disposition were … Continue Reading “Elie Wiesel, RIP”

Interview with Andrew Pudewa on Classical Education

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Daniel Foucachon interviews Andrew Pudewa from IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) at the CiRCE Institute summer conference in 2015 on the subject of Classical Education. Subjects covered: What are some of the greatest “Great Books”? How do we deal with feeling inadequate to give a classical education to our children? What are some good books to get started with a classical education? If you could dine with any three educators, who would they be? What advice (and resources) do you have for writers? Poetry, learning styles, memory, history of education in America, and more! YouTube version HERE. Bibliography Books … Continue Reading “Interview with Andrew Pudewa on Classical Education”

A glimpse at what we lost when we abandoned classical education

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Mark Twain is attributed with the saying “Those who don’t read have no advantage over those who can’t.” We are now a couple generations away from our forefathers who abandoned classical education. We are now the generation that does not even know what it has lost. Wes Callihan gives a  glimpse at the kind of richness we have lost in this excerpt from the Old Western Culture curriculum on the great books of Western civilization. If you don’t study the classics, you have no advantage over those who can’t. Roman Roads Media provides tools to help you accomplish this task! Get started today! … Continue Reading “A glimpse at what we lost when we abandoned classical education”

Great Books Challenge for Parents 2016

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]elcome to the 2016 Great Books Challenge for Parents! This Challenge is for any parent, but especially for parents who plan to classically homeschool their children, or who are currently homeschooling their children. Classical homeschoolers love Old Western Culture because they see their children coming to the dinner table full of stories, and thirsty for knowledge and wisdom. Make 2016 the year classical learning comes alive in your home, and earn free curriculum in the process! Last year’s Great Books Challenge, centered around Virgil’s Aeneid, was a tremendous success! This year we are going to continue and build upon that challenge, adding the following unit, Romans: … Continue Reading “Great Books Challenge for Parents 2016”

Interview with Martin Cothran

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Daniel Foucachon interviews Martin Cothran, of Memoria Press, on classical education. This interview took place during the 2015 CiRCE Conference: A Contemplation of Harmony. Topics covered: – What is classical education?– What is the greatest “great book”?– The Quadrivium – How to start a classical education late in life– The goal of education-and more—enjoy! YouTube version HERE.

2015 Great Books Challenge for Parents (and how to earn FREE curriculum)

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Are you giving your kids (or have given them) the classical education you never had? My invitation to you this new year is to dive in yourself! Old Western Culture is for parents too! While it may be daunting to pick up the Great Books and start reading, make 2015 the year you do it YOURSELF, and earn some FREE curriculum in the process! So here is my NEW YEARS CHALLENGE TO PARENTS: As a parent, use our newly released unit of Old Western Culture, The Aeneid, YOURSELF (with your kids if they’re the right age) before May 15th, 2015 UPDATE: EXTENDING DATE … Continue Reading “2015 Great Books Challenge for Parents (and how to earn FREE curriculum)”

How do Credits and Transcripts work with Old Western Culture? | Webcast

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

I’ve received several questions from parents about how to record Old Western Culture on a transcript, and how much credit it’s worth in terms of completeing high school. I created a 10 min webcast to answer these questions. I hope this helps you, and don’t hesitate to post a question or comment below, or be emailing [email protected]. RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO: – A blank high school transcript. Download: Word (RTF)  or PDF– Completed example transcript: PDF OVERVIEW: Old Western Culture is an integrated humanities, double credit high school course. Those credits most often fit into the “Social Studies” category. Depending … Continue Reading “How do Credits and Transcripts work with Old Western Culture? | Webcast”