Three Reasons Why Video Courses are the Future of Homeschooling
I was greatly benefited by video courses while being homeschool through High School. As video curriculum grows in popularity, I wanted to take a moment and highlight what I believe are its greatest strengths. In this post I list three factors for parents to consider as they seek to make the best choices for their children’s education. Click the image on the right, or the link below:
Proclaiming Claudius Emperor
Claudius, the 4th emperor of Rome, had to be dragged out from behind curtains where he was hiding in order to be proclaimed emperor by the Praetorian Guard. A bookish man, preferring to write and study history, Claudius did not want to be emperor. After all, many of the previous emperors had been killed by rivals. It is said that Claudius, a partially crippled man from birth, accentuated his condition so as not to appear a rival to Caligula who had been killing other heirs. In the end, Claudius’ fears were not unfounded, for he was assassinated himself. Taken from … Continue Reading “Proclaiming Claudius Emperor”
The Republic: A Real City?
Wes Callihan explains that Plato’s Republic is not about a real city, or a blueprint for a real city, but rather a picture of the human soul, and how the soul should work. Many people throughout history have mistakenly treated Plato’s Republic as a guide to the perfect physical city, which is a gross mistake, and not what Plato had in mind. This is an excerpt from The Philosophers, unit 4 of The Greeks in the Old Western Culture series, a great books video course for high school students. YouTube version HERE.
"I'm giving my kids the education I never received"
“I’m giving my kids the education I never received.” Is that a familiar statement? Most parents who give their children a classical education did not receive a classical education themselves. But it’s not too late! Old Western Culture is a Great Books video course intended for high school aged students, but is designed in such a way as to be conducive to adult continuing education as well! Even if you only have time to watch the lectures, you will get a sweeping overview of the Great Books that shaped Western Civilization. A classical education FOR your kids, WITH your kids, … Continue Reading “"I'm giving my kids the education I never received"”
The Anger of Achilles and Farewell of Hector and Andromache
Here are two pages from the “Guide to the Art” of our first unit of Old Western Culture, The Epics. The Iliad and The Odyssey inspired a wealth of art during the Renaissance, and the 117 classical paintings woven into The Epics barely scratch the surface.
Animated Introduction to the Grammar of Poetry
This fun animated introduction to Grammar of Poetry (the first video course we produced) is also an introduction to our philosophy of developing classical curriculum FOR the homeschool. Enjoy! The Grammar of Poetry, by Matt Whitling of Logos School, is a video course that teaches the mechanics of poetry by using the classical approach of imitation. Its goal is to teach your child to analyze not only poetry, but words and language in general. Just as an English course would teach a student the different parts of speech, so also the Grammar of Poetry teaches a student the building blocks … Continue Reading “Animated Introduction to the Grammar of Poetry”
"First, Socrates, you must gather 2000 likes!"
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