Roman Roads Press Blog

Author: Daniel Foucachon

2015 Great Books Challenge for Parents (and how to earn FREE curriculum)

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Are you giving your kids (or have given them) the classical education you never had? My invitation to you this new year is to dive in yourself! Old Western Culture is for parents too! While it may be daunting to pick up the Great Books and start reading, make 2015 the year you do it YOURSELF, and earn some FREE curriculum in the process! So here is my NEW YEARS CHALLENGE TO PARENTS: As a parent, use our newly released unit of Old Western Culture, The Aeneid, YOURSELF (with your kids if they’re the right age) before May 15th, 2015 UPDATE: EXTENDING DATE … Continue Reading “2015 Great Books Challenge for Parents (and how to earn FREE curriculum)”

Should the time ever come…

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

The United States was founded by men who not only knew their classics, but considered them an essential part of who they were, and who we are as a nation. Old Western Culture is designed as a tool to give this heritage to the current and next generation of Christian students (and adults)! “Should the time ever come when Latin and Greek should be banished from our universities and the study of Cicero and Demosthenes, of Homer and Virgil, should be considered as unnecessary for the formation of a scholar, we should regard mankind as fast sinking into an absolute … Continue Reading “Should the time ever come…”

Cathy Duffy's 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

We’re thrilled that the Old Western Culture curriculum will be included in Cathy Duffy’s upcoming book “102 Top Picks“! You can read Cathy Duffy’s online review of Old Western Culture here: HERE.

The Relationship Woes of Dido and Aeneas

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Advice for all men: When you mess up, fess up! Part of what makes the Aeneid such a timeless classic is that it captures so many aspects of human nature. Wes Callihan brings these alive in the Old Western Culture curriculum. This excerpt from The Aeneid (unit 1 of The Romans) is an example of how Wes Callihan brings the classics alive. This is learning literature re-imagined!

Can I use your DVDs in another country?

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

We have received several questions about whether our video courses will work in other countries. The short answer is: YES! For many of us in the USA, this question seems absurd, since DVDs are digital. For various reasons, mostly surrounding distribution of major motion pictures, MOST movies distributed on DVD and Blu Ray are region coded. DVDs in the US are from region 1, DVDs from Europe are region 2, etc. See the map below to see how the 6 regions are divided. The DVDs released by Roman Roads Media, including the Old Western Culture series, Grammar of Poetry, Introductory … Continue Reading “Can I use your DVDs in another country?”

Fashion in Ancient Rome

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

In many aspects, ancient Rome was a modern state. They had city planning, sewage, hot baths, heated floors, elaborate customs, traditions, and a rich culture. After the fall of Rome, there was a brief “dark ages” in which much of the technology and culture of Rome disappeared. That period is not as long as some would have you think (a subject discussed in the Old Western Culture curriculum), but there was a decline. But when we think back to Rome’s height, we normally think of its technology, conquests, or even its debauchery as it declined. But what about ancient Rome’s … Continue Reading “Fashion in Ancient Rome”

Psalm 13 & G. F. Handel’s Suite No. 4 in D Minor

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Dr. David Erb recently composed a new setting to Psalm 13 influenced by Handel’s Suite No. 4 in D Minor (HWV 437) Sarabande, and it’s beautiful! Hear Dr. Erb explain how this came about in this little out-take from the recording of Psalm 13. And here is rendition of the original piece by G.F. Handel: (If audio player does no appear, click HERE) Now listen to Dr. Erb’s Psalm 13 recording:YouTube version HERE. If you would like to hear Psalm settings by Dr. Erb, click here: