Roman Roads Press Blog


Will Durant | The Story of Civilization

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Will Durant was born on this day, November 5th, 1885. He was a great historian, and wrote The Story of Civilization series. The way in which he labeled his histories tells a lot about the man: Our Oriental Heritage, The Life of Greece, Caesar and Christ, The Age of Faith, The Renaissance, and The Reformation. Just as Will Durant, our Old Western Culture series does not label the “Middle Ages” as “The Dark Ages,” but rather as “Christendom.” This was a period of great thought, architecture, and literature, and to call it the “Dark Ages” is more a statement about one’s … Continue Reading “Will Durant | The Story of Civilization”

Penelope – Weaver of Remembrance & Life

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

CiRCE Institute posted this great article, “The Odyssey – On Dangerous Women & Their Looms.” Here is an excerpt: “Penelope is no “black widow”, weaving the destruction of her husband. She is no Clytemnestra. Penelope is crafty and clever, perhaps more so than any other woman in the story, but she protects her husband and her household. Penelope’s loom was a tool of death, but only for the wicked suitors who ate up the wealth of Odysseus and sought to steal his wife. Her loom was an instrument of life for her long-awaited Odysseus, whose return marked triumph over war, … Continue Reading “Penelope – Weaver of Remembrance & Life”

The Anger of Achilles and Farewell of Hector and Andromache

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Here are two pages from the “Guide to the Art” of our first unit of Old Western Culture, The Epics. The Iliad and The Odyssey inspired a wealth of art during the Renaissance, and the 117 classical paintings woven into The Epics barely scratch the surface.

The Priestess at Delphi

by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

Ever wondered about the prophecies from Delphi mentioned in ancient Greek literature? Here is an extract from the “Guide to the Art” which accompanies Drama and Lyric, Unit 2 of The Greeks, part of the Old Western Culture great books series taught by Wes Callihan.