Tag: Caleb Crossman
Exodus Books reviews Old Western Culture
Exodus Books, a bookstore in Portland, as well as a large online reseller of curriculum, now carries the Old Western Culture curriculum, and wrote a review. The review (written by Caleb Crossman), was not only well-written and comprehensive, but very entertaining to read! Caleb shows his knowledge (and love) of the classics as he uses classical allusions throughout. Our favorite excerpt is when Wes Callihan is called a “benevolent centaur,” an allusion to Chiron, the centaur in Greek mythology who helped in the education of Achilles: The mastermind behind Old Western Culture is Wesley Callihan, a veteran of Christian education. His presence hovers … Continue Reading “Exodus Books reviews Old Western Culture”
Filed under Categories Classical Education, Great Books, Great Books, Homeschool Curriculum, Old Western Culture