Music Resources, Books, and Curriculum


One of the best ways to learn Scripture is to put it to music. Dr. David Erb, director of music at Christ Church and Fellow of Music at New Saint Andrews College, has composed new music for many of the Psalms and Hymns. Roman Roads Press has been filming Dr. Erb singing through his compositions, as well as a few other songs and hymns, with the music on-screen. This allows those wishing to learn the tunes to combine both auditory and visual learning at the same time.

We hope this music blesses you and your family as it has blessed ours.

Daniel Foucachon

Psalm 1 | Dr. David Erb

Psalm 6 | Dr. David Erb & Stephen Heller (1813–1888)

Download 6 MP3

Psalm 13 | Dr. David Erb, and GH Handel

Extra: Dr. Erb explains how he composed Psalm 13.

Psalm 23 | Dr. David Erb

Vimeo Version | mp3

Psalm 29 | Dr. David Erb

Psalm 46 | Dr. David Erb & Martin Luther

Download 46 MP3

Psalm 87 | Modest Mussorgsky, arranged by Dr. David Erb

Psalm 93 | Dr. David Erb

Psalm 100 | Dr. David Erb

Vimeo Version | mp3

Psalm 120 | Dr. David Erb

Vimeo Version | mp3

Psalm 121 | Dr David Erb


Psalm 122 | Dr. David Erb

Psalm 123 | Dr David Erb


Psalm 124 | Dr. David Erb

Psalm 125 | Dr. David Erb

Psalm 126 | Dr. David Erb

Vimeo Version | mp3

Psalm 128 | Dr. David Erb

Vimeo Version | mp3

Psalm 129 | Dr. David Erb

Psalm 130 | Dr David Erb

mp3 | PDF

Psalm 132 | Dr. David Erb

Psalm 150 | Dr David Erb


The Apostles Creed | Doug Wilson and Mark Reagan

Vimeo Version | mp3

Yet I Will Rejoice | Dr. David Erb

Vimeo Version | mp3

The Beatitudes | Dr David Erb



Handel’s Messiah • Guest Tenor Ross Hauck

Holy, Holy, Holy • Collegium Musicum Choral Festival

The Great Physician • Collegium Musicum Concert

Story Time • Collegium Musicum Family Concert

Gone Fishing • Collegium Musicum Family Concert

Noah’s Ark • Collegium Musicum Family Concert

Zion’s Wall • Collegium Musicum Choral Festival