Welcome to a new series of FAQ with staff from Roman Roads Press answering all your questions about our curriculum, homeschooling, classical education, and more! Scroll down for account-related issues.
Q: Transcripts, Credits, the nature of gatekeepers, and some of our homeschooling story growing up in France and New York.
Q: Do Audiobooks Count as Reading?
Q: Old Western Culture in Homeschool Co-ops.
Q: Is it necessary to read all the reading assignments in Old Western Culture?
Q: Is it important to do Old Western Culture in chronological order?
Q: How can a school that teaches literature and history separately use Old Western Culture? This question also discusses flexible ways to use Old Western Culture in a variety of situations, as well as the nature of “Integrated Humanities.”
Q: Are the Old Western Culture Readers the required editions for the curriculum?
Account or Purchase Related FAQ
There are a few common questions or issues that come our way. We address a few of them below. If you don’t find the answer, Contact Us!
Also, you may find the answer on the Roman Roads Curriculum Facebook group. If you use our curriculum and are on FB, we highly recommend this group!
“Where can I stream video courses and access Materials?”
- You can access Materials from the main menu. My Courses for streaming video courses, and Materials for extra downloadable resources for each course.
Video / Streaming Issues
- “I can access my course page, but my videos won’t play.”
- Did you recently purchase and set up a “Circle with Disney” or other content-monitoring/blocking router, or enable parental controls on your router? These routers will often block our video service. Please consult the user guide to your router in order allow access to our site or streaming service (Vimeo Pro).
- “My videos take a long time to buffer”
- Our video streaming service is provided through Vimeo Pro. Vimeo Pro emphasizes quality over speed by default. If you hover (on a computer) or tap (on mobile) the video, you will have the option to choose a lower resolution. This will help. If you have poor internet, it can be helpful to start playing the video, pause it, and let it buffer for a few minutes for smooth playback.
Account Access Issues
- “I am logged in, but my courses don’t appear.”
- Make sure that you are logged in under the same email address you used to purchase the course. If you need to transfer access to a new account, contact us.
- “I recently purchased Roman Roads materials at a convention or conference. How do I access them online?”
- To access your materials simply create a username and password on romanroadsmedia.com. If you login using the email address associated with your purchase your courses have likely been activated already. If you do not see them on the “my courses” page please contact us at info@romanroadsmedia.com and we will assist you.
We accept payments by Credit/Debit card (all major cards), Check (not recommended due to delay), and Bitcoin.
- Card and Check payments must be made in USD, unless previously arranged.
- Bitcoin payments take 4-10 minutes to process. Once sending payment, please allow up to 10 min for the transaction to finalize. This includes your order confirmation email.
I am interested in buying the Calculus for Everyone streaming video. How long will I have access to the videos once I purchase them? Thank you.
Hi Andrea,
Streaming for Calculus for Everyone does not expire. It is a purchase (similar to purchasing a song on iTunes).
I would like to purchase items using state funds. Do you have a list of your products that would be approvable for purchase through my charter school? Thanks!
Do Old Western Culture videos have an expiry?
Great question! No they don’t. They are what some may call “Forever streaming.”
We want families to own these like they would physical books, as part of their library and toolset, not merely a consumable “subscription” to get through a class or check off a box on a transcript. We have parents whose kids leave home and continue using and referencing them in college. We love this! We want them watched and rewatched for many years, my many siblings and their parents.
I would very much like to purchase the Dante and Calculus for Everyone video courses, but would prefer to have these on DVD. Is there any way to order audio and video materials on CD/DVD rather than streaming? We have the OWC set, used twice in our family now, with a third student about to begin. Would love to do the same with Dante and Calculus videos!
Mary, I just replied via email!