History | Grades 7-12+

Dave Raymond's American History


Dave Raymond’s US History


Compass Classroom Product Sold By Roman Roads Press

History is best understood through the dual lenses of dramatic story and godly wisdom. Veteran history teacher Dave Raymond gives a comprehensive history of the United States by applying a Christian worldview to the characters, events, theology, literature, art, and religious beliefs of the nation. It is an engaging class for Middle School and High School students.

We also offer live classes for US History

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Product Description

History is best understood through the dual lenses of dramatic story and godly wisdom. Veteran history teacher Dave Raymond gives a comprehensive history of the United States by applying a Christian worldview to the characters, events, theology, literature, art, and religious beliefs of the nation. It is an engaging class for Middle School and High School students.

American History is a one-year class that consists of:

  • 26 lessons (5 videos per lesson, 10-15 minutes each)
  • 4 projects
  • Student Reader, 400p (PDF)
  • Teacher’s Guide with Scope & Sequence (PDF)
  • Weekly Exams
  • Year-long Portfolio.

Click on the FAQ tab for a complete breakdown of hours spent per area to qualify for high school credit.

License: This product is licensed for use by one family.

Dave Raymond lives in rural Middle Tennessee with his wife and 6 children where he has taught the humanities for the past 20 years. He teaches the disciplines of history, literature, composition, and Latin through Quiller Tutorials.

Part I

  1. Orientation
  2. The Banner of the Sun: Meso-America
  3. Brave New World: The Early Explorers
  4. The Colossus of Empire: The Colonies
  5. Stability and Change: The Reformational Colonies
  6. A City Upon a Hill: The Puritans
  7. A Foreign War at Home: Wars of Control
  8. Grace, the Founder of Liberty: The Great Awakening
  9. Fathers of Independence: Adams, Franklin, Witherspoon, and Henry
  10. Liberty or Death: The Declaration of Independence
  11. Awesome Providence I: The War of Independence
  12. Awesome Providence II: The War of Independence
  13. A More Perfect Union: The Constitution


Part II

  1. Federal Headship: George Washington
  2. How Good and Pleasant It Is: Adams and Jefferson
  3. Manifest Destiny: Settlers, Explorers, and War
  4. Word and Deed: JQ Adams and Andrew Jackson
  5. The Original United Nations: The Expansion of the Early US
  6. Idols of Mercy: Revival, Counterfeits, and Art
  7. A House Divided I: The Age of Compromise and Divided Cultures
  8. A House Divided II: Lincoln and Secession
  9. The Second War for Independence: The War Between the States
  10. Brother Against Brother: The War Between the States
  11. The Lost Cause: Reconstruction
  12. A New Normal: The West, Immigration, and Robber Barons
  13. Theology as Biography: Theodore Roosevelt and Booker T. Washington

Sample Lessons

3.1 – The Principle

3.2 – The Myths & Legends

3.3 – The Evidences

3.4 – Christopher Columbus, Part 1

3.5 – Christopher Columbus, Part 2

Calculating High School Credit for History:

HSLDA recommends spending approximately 150 hours on a subject to qualify for high school credit. This is how Dave Raymond’s classes generally break down to achieve that credit. Some students will spend more time in some areas and some will spend less, but there is clearly enough different types of work to qualify for full high school credit:


* The reader includes 400 pages of original historical materials. It increases in length as the year progresses. For example, Part 1 is 150 pages and Part 2 is 250 pages. If additional reading is desired for older students, we include recommendations for that.
**If a parent desires to do two or more thesis papers for older students, that is perfectly acceptable and will only increase the amount of time spent in the class.

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