Old Western Culture | Grades 9-12+

Old Western Culture: The Romans

The Roman epics, historians, and the rise of the early Church

Old Western Culture: The Romans


Old Western Culture: The Romans
is a full-year literature and history curriculum for high school students (and above). Guided by storyteller and veteran teacher Wesley Callihan, travel through Vergil’s Aeneid, the masterpiece of epic literature which has shaped story for centuries. Learn how Rome was founded, and how its culture and technology prepared the way the spread of the church.  In the second unit, The Historians, watch the rise and fall of the Roman Empire through the eyes of its historians. In the third unit, Early Christianity, come alongside the early church fathers as they struggle with a collapsing empire and terrible persecution. In the fourth unit, Nicene Christianity, experience the struggle against heresy and the fight for proper doctrine through the creeds and councils of the early church, and meet St. Augustine, one of the greatest theologians.

Looking to buy just workbooks or just readers?

A live class version of The Romans is available through Kepler Education

Note: the “Add 4 Readers” option includes all four readers despite the image only showing three.

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Looking to buy individual units from The Romans?

MASTER ROMANS OVERVIEW GRAPHIC2Old Western Culture: The Romans is a full year of instruction divided into four units: The Aeneid, The Historians, Early Christianity, and Nicene Christianity. With over 25 hours of video instruction, reading assignments in the Great Books, accompanying exercises after each lecture and reading assignment, and 4 end-of-term exams, The Romans offers the homeschooler a complete literature and history course. Intended for high school aged students (14+), as well as for the adult enrichment student. As an integrated humanities curriculum, The Romans explores history, theology, philosophy, poetry, and art from the perspective of the greatest works of influential literature of the Western world. Hundreds of classical paintings, maps, timelines, and more are woven into the video lessons! See individual titles for more information on each unit and what they cover. “The Books” tab offers a complete list of works covered.

We also offer live classes for the Romans.

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the Unites States.
– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.
– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.
– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.
– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.
We bring a master-teacher into your home, and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.

Old Western Culture is a video course. Each unit of The Romans contains 12 video lessons (48 in year 1, approx 30-40 min each).
Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplnary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings, and asnswer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook.

Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.

Each year of Old Western Culture is a double-credit Humanities course which is most commonly broken down into 1 Literature credit and 1 History credit. The double-credit assumes that the student will watch all the videos, read the required reading, answer the daily worksheets, and take 4 exams (one for each unit). This a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Average daily reading load is 30-40 pages.
As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


When you purchase Old Western Culture: The Romans you receive access to the online streaming portal for The Romans. If you choose the “Add DVD” option, you will also receive all 4 DVD sets.

Accompanying materials include:
– A Student Workbook and Answer Key in PDF format for each unit (optional physical versions available).
– A digital “Guide to the Art” booklet for Unit 1-3.
– An A and B exam with teacher guide and answer key for each unit.
– All required texts in eText (PDF). Physical books recommended for the pleasure of the reader.

The workbook gives the student questions to answer for every reading assignment and lecture, discussion questions to think about, and a host of further resources for the student that wants to go further (or study for a paper!). The Answer Key at the back of the textbook will give the recommended answer to all the essay questions. We encourage students to answer the questions on their own before referencing the Answer Key.

Average lesson length: 30-40 min

1. Introduction to The Romans: Overview of Roman History, its importance to Old Western Culture, and a Survey of the books Covered in this series
2. Introduction to the Aeneid: Vergil, Secondary Epic, and the Writing, Worldview, and Influence of the Aeneid
3. Rome is an Idea (Aeneid Book I)
4. The Fall of Troy and The Wanderings of Aeneas (Aeneid Book II & III)
5. The Tragedy of Dido (Aeneid Book IV)
6. The Underworld (Aeneid Book V & VI)
7. The Broken Truce and the Shield of Aeneas (Aeneid Book VII & VIII)
8. The Tragedy of Nisus and Euryalos (Aeneid Book IX & X)
9. Camilla, Juno’s Surrender, and the Death of Turnus (Aeneid Book XI & XII)
10. Metamorphoses I
11. Metamorphoses II
12. The Epics of Lucretius, Lucan, and Statius

1. Livy I: Philosophy of history and the monarchy
2. Livy II: Beginning and Heroes of the Republic
3. Livy III: Threats to the Republic
4. Tacitus I: Philosophy of history and Tiberius
5. Tacitus II:Claudius
6. Tacitus III:Nero
7. Sallust: The Jugurthine War and the The Conspiracy of Catiline: The Republic in Decay
8. Julius Caesar: The Gallic wars
9. Plutarch’s Lives I: Demosthenes and Cicero
10. Plutarch’s Lives II: Alexander and Caesar
11. Cicero: Against Verres and Against Antony
12. Overview of The Historians

1. The Roman Background of Christianity
2. The Jewish Background of Christianity
3. The Didache
4. The First Letter of Clement
5. The Roman World in the Second and Third Centuries
6. Ignatius and Polycarp
7. The Apologists
8. Justin Martyr
9. Irenaeus
10. Clement of Alexandria and Origen
11. Eusebius I
12. Eusebius II

1. Constantine and The Council of Nicea
2. The Nicene and Post-Nicene Age
3. Athanasius’s On the Incarnation
4. Athanasius’s Life of Anthony
5. John Chrysostom
6. Augustine’s Confessions I
7. Augustine’s Confessions II
8. Augustine’s City of God I
9. Augustine’s City of God II
10. Augustine’s City of God III
11. Augustine’s City of God IV
12. Boethius and the Consolation of Philosophy

The Books

The Great Books are the focus of this course. Each year of Old Western Culture is divided into four units and each unit covers selections of the Great Books. No specific editions of these works are required. Here are a few options to make sure you have the books you need:

Old Western Culture Reader Series

Each reader in the Old Western Culture Reader Series pairs with a unit in the Old Western Culture Curriculum and provides all the works that you need to read for that unit. We’re currently working on The Aeneid.

Here are the links to each reader in this year:

Buy or use your own books

If you already have the required books, you’re set to go. The course material will give you the details on what parts to read and when.

If you’d like to buy the books, here are the selections you’ll be required to read and our recommended books on Amazon:

1: The Aeneid

2: The Historians

3: Early Christianity

4: Nicene Christianity

Visit our Sample Page to take Old Western Culture for a test drive!

To access the course Materials, log into My Romans Roads on the menu above.

Once you’re logged in, go to the Materials tab, and then choose The Romans. Make sure and scroll down to see the content!

World class teaching by classical educator Wesley Callihan. Demanding, challenging, mesmerizing content that will leave your student, no matter how steeped in history and classical studies, begging for more.

Lisa Nehring, Golden Grasses

This has to be the best curriculum we have found for studying the great classics! We’ve been homeschooling for about 15 years and have not found anything like this. Mr. Callihan is knowledgeable, engaging, and entertaining. He speaks to the students as if he is right there with them. Not only have they chosen excellent books but all the information that he shares with the student makes this a perfect Literature and Social Studies course. On top of that, they have included a booklet with some of the most beautiful artwork to accompany the course. It’s like walking through a museum. Frequently, my son shares a story at the dinner table about what Mr. Callihan said. We all get to enjoy his stories. It also lets me know he’s “getting it.” I would highly recommend this to any family interested in a Classical Christian education. You will not be disappointed with Old Western Culture or Roman Roads Media.

Stephanie White, Homeschool mom

Mr. Callihan speaks so eloquently on these topics and always keeps a Christ-centered approach. We can learn much from past mistakes and see clearly where God was left out – much chaos reigned. Teaching that to the next generation is not an option – it’s a must for Christians. To approach such pagan instruments is often difficult so this is a valuable resource for those intimidated by the subjects like I am.

Melissa Langley, Homeschool mom, Grace Christian Homeschool

The Greeks is taught by Wes Callihan, quite possibly the most engaging teacher of classical material I have encountered since my days at the University of St. Thomas. It is obvious that he loves what he is teaching, which is the mark of a truly great teacher. When he talks about Achilles and Agamemnon, you know that he feels their conflict and their emotions. You never have any doubt that he is going to lead you safely through the turmoil of Achilles’ last days. He teaches with confidence and enthusiasm, and it is infectious. If you want your child to have a Great Books, classical education – either the kind you had or the kind you wish you had – Wes Callihan is the man to teach her.

Laura, Homeschool mom

Wes Callihan is an incredible mentor. His style is that of an armchair story teller. Instead of breaking down the technical nuances of a text (and the Vandiver Great Courses Company Course on The Iliad does that beautifully), he invites us into his personal library, shows us his well-worn Lattimore text and then proceeds to tell us stories…. Friends have asked if the reading load in these courses will dominate their high school student’s reading time and leave no room for other goodness. As a former high school teacher, I confess to being impressed by the layout of the course and the breakdown of the work.

Sara Masarik, Plumfield and Paideia

It is a program my kids have loved the most this year. And I love that I am able to learn alongside then too. After many years of misunderstanding some of The Great Books, I can safely say I am closer to realizing what they mean now. I am truly amazed by this program!

Amy Fleeker, Homeschool mom

Callihan is a gifted teacher—so much so that I think parents might want to watch the lectures along with their students for their own enlightenment.

Cathy Duffy, 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum

I really like the idea of a classical education for my children. I was considering Omnibus by VP but was very intimidated by teaching that myself and their online classes were so expensive. When I found this DVD series I felt like this was exactly what I was looking for! My ninth grader and I sit and watch Wesley Callihan talk to us from his study chair. He really makes the Greek Classics accessible to us. I also love that he comes to the classics from a Christian world view. This series fits the bill for a classical education!

R. Andrews, Homeschool dad

As a homeschool mom just venturing into classical education, I can tell you that Old Western Culture: The Greeks is super-easy to use. With schedules carefully laid out for you, you can easily plug and play. I like that all preparation is done for me and I need simply to enjoy listening to my children as they begin to think and talk and discuss ideology together.

Lynn, Homeschool mom

I’ve tried a lot of “great books” materials in the past. All have left me feeling inadequate and incapable. All of them. Old Western Culture though? This one is different.

Debra Brinkman, Footprints in the Butter

But what if there was a single program that adequately covered key texts of Western literature; that was well-written, accurate, and Christ-centered; and that didn’t just mimic all the other courses? Well, there is. Old Western Culture: A Christian Approach to the Great Books is everything other Classical-style courses wish they were.

Caleb Crossman, Exodus Books

The Old Schoolhouse reviewed Old Western Culture, Grammar of Poetry, Dave Raymond’s US History, Visual Latin, and Economics for Everybody.

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