
Level 2 ½ Reader | Marcus Captus

Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $18.70.

Marcus Captus (“Marcus Captured”) is a level-2½ Latin reader and the second half of a novel about a boy named Marcus with delusions of grandeur set in the 19th-century. At the end of the fi rst half of the story, Marcus Mirandus, Marcus’ underdeveloped instinct for self-preservation leads him to an abandoned tower. In this volume, he initiates a series of events that quickly become very serious.

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Product Description

This reader is also perfect for any Latin students who have learned the following grammar concepts:

▪ 1st-Declension through 5th-Declension Nouns
▪ All Cases
▪ All Persons of Present Active Verbs
▪ All Persons of Present Passive Verbs
▪ Active and Passive Present Infi nitive Verbs
▪ Imperative Verbs
▪ Present Active Participles

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