Product Description
Introductory Logic Student Textbook: 5th Edition
Introductory Logic Teacher Textbook: 5th Edition
DVD (2019 edition. 2013 Edition available upon request).
Logic is the art of reasoning well, helping students to be masters of words in their intellects that they may discern and proclaim truth. This logic curriculum starts with a firm foundation of reasoning from the knowledge of God, then teaches the skills of defining terms, determining the truth of statements, discerning and constructing valid arguments – including arguments in normal English – identifying informal fallacies, and more. By providing firm standards for rational thought, logic helps students excel in every subject they study, from math and science to rhetoric and humanities. Completely revised and expanded, the Introductory Logic course will teach students eighth grade and up the fundamentals of thinking well. This complete video curriculum brings a skilled logician with more than twenty-five years of teaching experience right into your home. The instructor walks you through the entire text, clearly identifying the key points for each lesson, teaching from additional examples, offering suggestions for every exercise, working through practice tests, and other invaluable helps for logic learners, making formal logic accessible and fun. Train classically. Do anything.
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