Product Description
Intermediate Logic Student Textbook: 3rd Edition
Intermediate Logic Teacher Textbook: 3rd Edition
DVD (2019 edition. 2013 Edition available upon request).
Following the classical subjects from Introductory Logic of terms, statements, syllogisms and fallacies, this Intermediate Logic course moves forward into the fundamentals of propositional arguments. Tools such as truth tables, truth trees, and formal proofs of validity teach students how to reason in a straight line, while providing them with methods by which they can judge and correct their own arguments, and analyze the arguments of others. Two new units train students in applying symbolic logic as a tool of thinking, a tool powerful and flexible enough to be applied to chains of reasoning from the Bible and Boethius up to the binary logic of computers and other electronic devices. This course thus helps students to understand the history of thought, while giving them valuable insights into the modern digital age. Completely revised and expanded, this Intermediate Logic DVD course will help students eighth grade and up to master propositional arguments. This complete video curriculum brings a skilled logician with more than twenty-five years of teaching experience right into your home. The author walks you through the entire text, clearly identifying the key points for each lesson, teaching from additional examples, offering suggestions for every exercise, working through practice tests, and other invaluable helps for logic learners, making formal logic accessible and fun. Train classically. Do anything.