Dante's Paradiso (eBook)

A new blank verse translation by Joe Carlson

Dante’s Paradiso (eBook)


How do you imagine unimaginable joy? How can you behold blinding holiness?

Dante’s Paradiso gives our imagination a hint of the beauty to come, by uncovering the deepest reality of the life we are living now. God is the same, eternity past to eternity future; He is the same God today. The great crescendo that is His beauty, dance, song, joy, holiness, and glory we hear but dimly, as from a distance land; but it undergirds and gives meaning to everything we know and experience. Dante’s staggering imagination helps us hear and see as much as we can, as he walks his pilgrim through the heavenly spheres, singing their songs of praise, and into the very presence of the Triune God. It is his journey, and our own, to the Beatific Vision, to stand before the Supreme Good, to move in concert with the Love that moves the sun and the other stars. These are the riches our modern, impoverished imaginations need.

In this new translation of the final canticle of Dante’s Comedy, poet and author Joe Carlson brings his blank verse rendition to an end, suffused with the light and dance of the original Italian, while maintaining a readability students and scholars alike will appreciate.

Related: Paradiso: Reader’s Guide Paradiso (paperback)Paradiso (Audiobook)

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Product Description

And Beatrice began, “Give thanks, give thanks
to the Sun of angels who to this sphere
of perceiving, has raised you by His grace.”

Heart of mortal was never so disposed
to devotion, to give itself to God
so swiftly with all its grateful assent,

as I then made my own at her urging;
indeed, all my love fixed itself on Him
that Beatrice was eclipsed, and forgot.
Paradiso X, 52-60

Dante, once lost in a darkened wood, has finally made it to the sphere of the Sun. Beatrice turns and exhorts the pilgrim to give thanks to Jesus, the “Sun of angels” by whose grace Dante has been raised so high. It is entirely by His grace the pilgrim will continue on, finally to stand before the Triune majesty. The lesson he is learning here is that everything, from the smallest pebble to the sun in the sky, exists as a window through which to perceive the glory of God. Every moment in this life, therefore, is a moment that requires swift devotion with grateful assent, to the point where all that would distract us from loving Jesus is eclipsed by His glory, and forgot.

This scene lies at the heart of the Divine Comedy. Each read-through is a fresh opportunity to be reminded that the whole world exists, in the first instance, to draw our eyes to God in worship and adoration. Each new translation, therefore, is a fresh opportunity to draw attention to how Dante makes that strong, though often subtle, exhortation throughout the poetically rendered realms of the afterlife. The Comedy is the journey not just of Dante the pilgrim, but of every man, woman, and child; it is the journey of every soul that has ever lived, as one moves either toward or away from God. As such the Divine Comedy is a guide to help us remember, understand, and love the One who made us, and made us for His glory. It also just happens to be one of the greatest works of art ever produced by mankind in the history of the whole world… that’s all.

This new translation by Joe Carlson combines a very close reading of the original Italian with an accessibility that seeks to faithfully imitate what Dante himself accomplished in his masterpiece of a poem. It is rendered in Blank Verse to maintain a sense of the poetry, without being constrained by the limiting nature of English rhymes. The text includes comprehensive summaries for each canto, along with a scattering of footnotes when needed. All other notes and explanations are in the Reader’s Guide, along with a semi-pastoral analysis of each canto. It is our hope and prayer that this new edition will help remove whatever obstacles stand in the way of modern students (and parents alike!) enjoying and delighting in this great work of art. As Christians, it is part of our shared heritage; it is a work for us to enjoy in the deepest sense, helping us to perceive the glory of God, leading us to our own beatific visions of the Triune majesty.

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