With author, Christian Hale

Eric Mataxas and Christiana Hale on Deeper Heaven

Pints with Jack Podcast on Deeper Heaven.

Pints with Jack – After Hours

The Spark of Speech – NSA Alumni Talk

Pilgrim Faith podcast – (Episode 42: Science Fiction Without “Space?” / Christiana Hale)

Feminine Not Feminist podcast

Christian Nerds Unite podcast #1

Christian Nerds Unite podcast #2

Two Trees podcast

Douglas Wilson and Christiana Hale, Renaissance of Men Podcast

The Gracious Guest Podcast with Christiana Hale

The Digressio Podcast with Christian Hale

Deeper Heaven and Perelandra – The Inklings Variety Hour

Audio-Only Podcasts:

A Few Reviews

“Christiana Hale has done C.S. Lewis’s readers a great service with this very well-written and carefully researched guide to the Ransom Trilogy. It is a thoughtful and helpful study of three novels that are often misunderstood but which, as the years go by, are increasingly showing their value and importance. Warmly recommended.”
Dr. Michael Ward, Fellow of Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford, Professor of Apologetics, Houston Baptist University, and author of Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C.S. Lewis.

“Christiana Hale is particularly suited to the task of writing a reader’s guide to the Ransom Trilogy. She is an intelligent lover of all things Lewis, and is a dedicated student of this material. She reads carefully, widely, and wisely, and is not hampered by having to read her material with modernist blinkers that help us all to deny what the texts are obviously saying. I have been privileged to have known Christiana as a student in a number of settings, and this book is one that I can happily commend and recommend. You will come away from it the wiser.”
— Douglas Wilson, from the Foreword

“For those readers longing to go “further up and further in,” Christiana Hale’s new book Deeper Heaven: A Reader’s Guide to Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy sets out to to demystify Lewis’s epic, offering up a wide-ranging exploration of the trilogy’s complex inner workings. What’s more, Deeper Heaven is a profoundly accessible text that nonacademic readers will be able to appreciate: Lewis’s work is dense indeed, but Hale’s prose is mercifully unclouded by excessive jargon.”
– John Ehrett. Read full review at Patheos.

Deeper Heaven does for the ‘Ransom Trilogy’ what Ward did for the Chronicles of Narnia, and even more! Not only does Christiana Hale explore Lewis’ love of medieval cosmology and ancient myth and the reasons why he wove these ideas into his work, she carefully analyzes each book of the trilogy. In the process she uncovers a myriad of gold nuggets and secrets which will delight those who enjoyed reading the trilogy.”
– Alf Cengia, Read full review at Zeteo 3:16

“A genuinely magnificent book on one of the most important subjects in the world: C.S. Lewis.”
Eric Metaxas, author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

“The short, graceful chapters of ‘Deeper Heaven’ form a delectable menu. Thoughtful and descriptive, they walk us through the themes of preparation, sacrifice, marital splendor, and joyous warfare that Lewis seeded throughout his three novels.”
C.M. Miller, On writing a guide to the C.S. Lewis Ransom Trilogy
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