What will I learn in Fitting Words – 2nd half?

Fitting Words: Classical Rhetoric for the Christian Student is arranged around the five canons of rhetoric: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. In the first half of this course, after laying the Christian philosophical and historical foundation of the subject, the text concentrated on constructing the first two canons: invention, and arrangement (primarily the six parts of a discourse). The text also covered the three artistic modes of persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos (including the special lines of argument: forensic, political, and ceremonial oratory).

In the second half of this course, students will continue to learn about logos by constructing general lines of argument. In Unit 5 students will review the applicable parts of logic: defining terms, determining truth, employing maxims, and using inductive and deductive arguments. Students will also consider the destruction of our opponents’ arguments in refutation, including identifying informal fallacies.

In Unit 6 the text teaches about Style: understanding the nature of the soul, speaking with clarity and elegance, the levels of style, and figures of speech and thought. In Unit 7 we will learn the essential skills of memory and delivery.

The text includes more examples of all of these concepts in historical and biblical speeches and other discourse. Click HERE to learn more.


by Daniel Foucachon on Posted on

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